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Pine River-Van Etten Lake Watershed

Groups That Work in the Watershed | Projects | Lakes Greater Than 20 Acres | Surface Area of Lakes Greater Than 20 Acres | Road/Stream Crossings


The Pine River-Van Etten Lake Watershed is part of the larger Au Sable River Watershed and is located in Alcona and Iosco counties.

Although the Pine River-Van Etten Lake Watershed feeds into the Au Sable River, it clearly has unique features and resource opportunities. Due to differences in soil types, hydrology and agricultural opportunities, the Pine River-Van Etten Lake area warrants its own Management Plan to address its unique resource concerns.

The Pine River-Van Etten Lake Watershed drains 292 sq miles (187,000 acres) in Alcona and Iosco counties. The 372 miles of streams in the Pine River Watershed flow through agricultural, wetland and forested areas before entering Van Etten Lake, a 1,409-acre reservoir impounded by Van Etten Dam. Downstream from Van Etten Lake, Van Etten Creek drains into the Au Sable River, which flows another 2 miles before entering Lake Huron.

The Pine River-Van Etten Lake Watershed is a scenic and popular place to hunt, fish, boat and snowmobile. One third of the watershed lies within the Huron National Forest and the watershed is home to the endangered Kirtland’s warbler and the threatened bald eagle and common loon. However, the watershed faces environmental challenges. Excess sedimentation, elevated levels of phosphorous in Van Etten Lake and invasive species like zebra mussels and Eurasian watermilfoil are problems Huron Pines and partners are working to solve.

Groups That Work in the Watershed


Lakes Greater Than 20 Acres

  • Simpson Lake
  • Van Etten Lake

Surface Area of Lakes Greater Than 20 Acres

1433.3 Acres

Source: Huron Pines, NEMCOG & EPA

Last updated on Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Click on the photo below for the Homeowner's Guide to the Pine River-Van Etten Lake Watershed.Click here to view full size picture

Watershed Facts





Recreation Areas

Au Sable State Forest

Major Tributaries

South Branch Pine River
West Branch Pine River
East Branch Pine River
Van Etten Creek     

Watersheds Downstream

Lone Lake - Ocqueoc

Watersheds Upstream


Road/Stream Crossings


Northeast Michigan Council of Governments
80 Livingston Blvd. | PO Box 457
Gaylord, MI  49734
(989) 705-3730 | nemcog.org

Great Lakes Restoration Northeast Michigan Council of Governments US Environmental Protection Agency

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